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Insights Chillin

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Line as Value

For this project we were asked to recreate an elephant picture using different patterns to represent each value only in ink. The patter was created using square thumbnails to then be applied to a drawing later. These patterns/line went from dark to light and had to come up with some ideas along the way that would best be applied together to get the picture of the elephant across in the project. Either following a grid system or free flowing for the drawing I choose free flowing. Which is the image in the middle that Is my creation and I used the fourth row to recreate the elephant. We learned about Values in Design and the different contrast it has to catch our eyes. Values are a big part of art because it gives some meaning and clarity to what we are creating. It can catch anybody’s eyes and that is what this assignment was for. Although it is in black and white it still gives a lot of different variations in values. While drawing the elephant only in ink, we also had to use some depth into the drawing. Drawing in ink can be difficult because you cannot exactly give a lot of depth and value into it. Although with using patterns it gives you a way of making values using the grayscale. Patterns have many different values in it that helps give depth to the project. Using the grayscale before you go into using color really helps on your perception of values in the future.

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Icon Project

For this project we were asked to create 4 icons that would be used as an application icon on an iPhone. We had to reduce the four elements to their most simple and recognizable forms. We were given four different items to choose from 5 different groups it’s here were I selected Squirrel, Dog, Elephant, and Bird. I choose these four icons to be recreated into simplest forms that would look on an iPhone and that would feel harmonious together.  For this project we had to draw out the images on paper and then we had to reduce the images and made sure they are recognizable from a distance. For the images to look recognizable from the iPhone they would also need to be able to have that application work. For the project we had a choice of just drawing the images out or using Illustrator to draw and reduce the images. For me I drew out the images and then I used illustrator to reduce the images to what it would look like on and iPhone. The icons that are shown on a phone are simple and not to detailed or have many values. For this project we had to use these items and make them as simple as possible, but still recognizable to anyone who sees it. Icons are meant to be recognizable with not so many details or values in there. They should be simple to the eye were we can know in our heads what it looks like without pulling up a picture of it.









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